Is it really “Constructive Feedback?”

Giving my thoughts and opinions on other peoples hard work was often daunting to me. I did not want to offend the countless hours of researching that the individual put in to the piece. However I have learnt that it is in fact the best way to gain further knowledge and improve! And who does not want that?

I had the pleasure of reading, learning and furthering my understanding of three niche projects.

The first individual’s that I read was Phoebes. Phoebes piece highlights the digital magazine niche.

When examining and giving my thoughts on Phoebe’s piece, I wanted to start of my feedback comments highlighting a positive attribute of their work. I believe I did well when contrasting my feedback, was highlighting ways that I believe that they could improve their work. When focusing on Phoebe’s work; it was hard to actually put a finger on what direction she was taking for her project. Was it Instagram? Was it a blog? She did not give her audience an indication of what the Instagram posts will be about, as I stated in the comment above.

Will is focusing his niche project on a Sports Photography Instagram page. You can read further about his excellent idea here.

It was extremely beneficial to examine Will’s work through the eyes of the tutor because it displayed problems with my own pitch that I need to change. I could not see as the reader where Will’s current Instagram handle is; and I realised that I did not attach my TikTok account to my original pitch! I love the layout of Will’s post and examined his further research that he did for his particular niche market.

Finally I had the pleasure to examine and give feedback to Karri’s work.

Karri’s project pitch was the blog that I was most confident giving feedback too, due to it being content that I am knowledgable about. I believe this feedback comment was my most effective and one that will lead to an outcome. I attached the names of current applications that I am using that create aesthetic feeds which I believe will extremely benefit Karri. Karri highlighted in her YouTube clip “as I mentioned” which I wanted to draw attention to as it was not needed and would have been the lense that the marker would have looked through.

I also wanted to make note at the end of each comment, that I am looking forward to seeing their end result/supporting and following their project as I know giving feedback through out the journey of this project is important.

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