And the change…..

Wow! What a year it has been, this has been one of the most challenging years. When embarking on my digital artefact my spirits were at an all time high. I was motivated, excited and ready to thrive. I started creating mood boards and getting my images co-ordinated to match my Instagram feed aesthetic, in hopes to stand out and attract an audience. I will be the first to say that this was a lot more challenging than I first anticipated. I quickly began to realise that my content was not reaching my audience, or that they were not finding what I was posting interesting.

Waves of followers come, as shown below of a screenshot taken in mid September. However none commented nor interacted with my account.

This got me thinking of ways that I could increase my audience:

– Polls


-Like/Comment on other similar accounts

-Research youtube videos/ask for advice

-Promote on my own social media accounts

With all these ideas in mind, I tried not to lose hope and give up. Fail early, fail often was definitely going through my head constantly. I began to post polls on my Instagram story asking what my followers wanted to see from my account. This gave me a great insight of the content that I should be posting. The polls were not a success at first with hardly anyone voting for them, however as I increased my interaction with other accounts they slowly started to interact back with mine. My page began to grow a little bit more however not as much as I initially hoped it to.

Feedback that I have received:

These are some of the direct messages that I have recieved and accounts that have interacted with mine. These individuals are some of my most interacted with users.

However with the way that Instagram works, I am unable to see more insights into my account until I reach 100 followers.

So what is to come?

I have many ideas that I would love to embark on and finish this digital artefact the way that I had planned in the start. I want to hit 100 followers, I want to gain a community of like minded individuals and continue to inspire others.

If you would like to hear more about ideas that I have coming up for my DA – check out my youtube video here.

Thank you for your time, would love to hear your thoughts and ideas! Follow me on my socials.

Instagram – @fitwithtors

Twitter – @toribobbermien1

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