Media Through Different Lenses

All forms of media can be represented and interpreted differently. This easily happens when individuals view the medium from a different lens.

Semiotics is the study of different representations of signs and symbols, and objectively how an audience views and understands these. The study can be split into two, the Signifier and the Signified.

The Signifier; is what is physically what you are viewing. However the Signified; is the meaning of what you are viewing. This meaning can differ from individual to indivisual and ultimatley depends on their understanding of the issue they are connotaing. Therefore, semiotics can assist us to reveal an underlying message then what is trying to be interpreted.

The way that we interpret images vary from person to person, and can change overtime. Everybody can have a different perspective on the ideology behind the image. In particular, this Nivea Anti-Wrinkle Ad (as seen below) has sparked my interest in the different representations and interpretations that it could be perceived. As shown below, an image of a young girl pulling down an ageing mans forehead. The symbol in the corner of the image, is a good indicator of the product that is being advertised. 

Source 1

The denotations of this image: In this image we can see a small young girl pulling down on a what looks like a stressed mans head. The grey hairs can be viewed as aging signs from all the stress the small child puts the man through.

The connotations of this image: The nivea “Anti-wrinkle” cream advertisties that it can reduce wrinkles. The small girl is creating the wrinkles for the what we presume fathers head. Bringing up a child and taking them through to adult hood is a stressful time for any parents lives.

Who was exactly behind this advertisement? It is the work of Jung Von Matt Advertising Agency. Jung von Matt Stockholm is a full-service advertising agency. That provide products and services that benefit brands with added emotional value. ( – 2019)

Jung von Matt is run by entrepreneurs – the ones who actually work at the agency. A fact we’re quite proud of.
Source 2

“Because we’ll never be content with communication that only makes people turn their heads. We are obsessed with turning something inside their heads. To succeed, we create communication that both entertains and convinces.” – Jung Von Matt Employees/Entrepreneurs (

To see more about this advertising company, visit there website:

This ad displays a very strong message, individuals can undertake very stressful events being shown in an intense and ridiculous visual. I don’t believe that you can really read this image any other way. Without the slogan in the bottom right hand corner, it would be extremely hard to tell what this image is actually promoting. A stressed ageing man though is evident in this image. However, I feel like if Nivea wanted to make it more eye-catching and draw more attention to the image to use brighter colours, for example on the young girls clothes.

Would love to know your thoughts.


Source 1: (2019). Nivea Print Advert By Jung von Matt: Worry lines, Kids | Ads of the World™. [online] [Accessed 1 Apr. 2019].

Source 2: Jung von Matt Stockholm | Advertising Agency. (2017). Jung von Matt Stockholm | Advertising Agency — About. [online] [Accessed 1 Apr. 2019]. (2019). Home | Jung von Matt. [online] [Accessed 3 Apr. 2019]. (2017). About. [online] [Accessed 2 Apr. 2019].

Stockholm, P. (2017). Jung von Matt’s corporate culture and our seven guiding principles. [online] Jung von Matt Stockholm | Advertising Agency. [Accessed 2 Apr. 2019].

Would you do anything else to this image? Do you think it represents the product well? Would love to hear your thought on this image

T x


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