Eye Spy With My Little Eye – Media Audiences

As a millennial it is safe to say that we view and are apart of many audiences every single day. Being behind devices and constantly connected with others, continuously watching and reaching out to others.

Reality tv shows display a luxurious lifestyle that inspires individuals to achieve. But who actually watches reality tv show? Who is the eyes of the audience?
At first glance, most reality shows target a young audience. But a younger demographic isn’t the only one taking in reality TV. Statistics show that while 68 percent of 18 to 29-year-olds give reality TV a huge thumbs up, 32 percent of adults 65 and up said the same. (Cabletv.com, 2015)

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Safe to say though my parents sheltered me from all things ‘technology’ until I was of age thirteen (and yes I know what you are thinking, how could you miss out on using DS’s Victoria?!?! Well yes. I did.) Before I was introduced to the whole other world of scrolling and commenting ‘omg #lol’, I went on countless road trips and holidays with my family. This included the trip to ‘Big Brother – Movie World’

As any young child would when told they were going to be in THE audience of their favourite show Big Brother (yes I was sorta…. okay a lot freaking out), re-watching and catching up on all things related. Who just got evicted? Did I just miss the challenge? It was definitely a fight to the couch every night on who got to control the remote.

As the time grew closer, so did the anticipation. Counting down the days to what (in my eleven year old head) was the holiday of a lifetime. I had this idea in my head of what seat I was going to be in, buzzing to be getting an opportunity on the behind the scenes studios.

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With the glamourous pools and the luxury rooms, my idea was far from the truth. Walking into the studios, I was greeted by wooden fences and concrete pavements. The realisation sunk in as I was sitting in ‘Row D Seat 15’, that cameras and people can display and portray lifestyles that are far from the truth. As the host trotted down and walked to her seat, with a blank expression. ‘Three, two, one: We are live’ shouted the producer, immediately a pearly white smile displayed on the hosts face. Seeing this gave me an insight to life on line, social media and behind cameras.

Fast forward five years, I’m eighteen years of old. I continuously scroll through Instagram, commenting on others (what seems to be perfect) posts. I think back to the time I was eleven, sitting in the audience of Big Brother and know that what I’m seeing is what people CHOOSE to display. That being normally the best parts of their lives. So when you, go, scroll through your Instagram feed tonight. Just remember. It is not all to what its made out to be.

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Love to hear your feedback and your opinions on Reality Tv show.



Gardner, E. and Gardner, E. (2015). What Kind of Person Watches Reality TV? | CableTV.com. [online] CableTV.com. Available at: https://www.cabletv.com/blog/what-kind-of-person-watches-reality-tv [Accessed 4 Apr. 2019].

Source 1: Giphy. (2019). [online] Available at: https://media.giphy.com/media/l0K4kVFeZZWNZyx3y/source.gif [Accessed 4 Apr. 2019].

Source 3: Giphy. (2019). Reality Tv Law and Order. [online] Available at: https://media.giphy.com/media/Rwhe30ltTQA48/source.gif [Accessed 3 Apr. 2019].

Psychology Today. (2013). Who Watches Reality Shows, and Why?. [online] Available at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201305/who-watches-reality-shows-and-why [Accessed 1 Apr. 2019].

Source 2: YouTube. (2014). BBAU 2013 l Time For First Impressions. [online] Available at: https://youtu.be/0MaoZoxw2XY [Accessed 3 Apr. 2019].

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